Pages in Vim

Vim Cheatsheet

For Ubuntu Linux, Terms: C-x stands for ctrl-x. Generally, use :help <cmd>" for quick ref, e.g.:help undo`. Configuration Configuration file default ~/.vimrc. Can use source <another file> and put the actual vimrc in cloud like dropbox.

to reload an edited vimrc :so $MYVIMRC File operations # to rename a file :E or :Explorer :Te or :Texplorer to open explorer in new tab then :bd to close the new tab R # rename at bottom :bp # go back previous buffer # save the current session including buffers, tabs, and settings :mksession ~/vimSessions/session1.

How to Install Latest Version Vim in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Ubuntu comes with Vim-Tiny First of all, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS comes with Vim.Tiny with the version 2:7.4.052-1ubuntu3 which is Vim 7.4.052, already fairly new. Unfortunately I was looking specifically for markdown editing and syntax highlighting and I found that starting from 7.4.480 vim can pick up *.md files as markdown files by default. So I wanted to find a newer version of Vim to install. Install Vim with PPA I have tried to install Vim with debian packages listed on Vim.